And we’re not even going to discuss that other browser.
Look, I know Chrome is a good browser (I actually use it at home), but for work purposes Chrome can’t quite compare to the level of customization that Firefox offers plus it seems to work better with sites I visit often in the course of my cataloging tasks. Just go to your blog and search your tags, or pull up the “Boss meetings” category and scroll by date. Do you see the beauty of this system? If you’re trying to remember what your boss in that meeting six months ago about TPS reports, you don’t have to thumb through a stack of paper in a drawer somewhere. Email each new set of notes to your blogĪnd voila! Now you have a database of all your notes featuring built-in organization, instant access from any device or machine, and robust searching capability.
Code your notes with appropriate categories and tags-most important step of all!. Use your phone or tablet to take notes in your meetings (and be sure to tell people you aren’t texting or you’ll get some really dirty looks). Download a note-taking app with rich text editing and email capabilities, like Notemaster. Establish a standard method for titling each post (“Weekly Staff Mtg 9/27/12” or “HR Webinar 10/4/12”, etc.) and use those titles every time. Create categories for different types of meetings (staff meetings, committees, clients, what have you). Enable the ability to submit posts by email. Adjust the settings to make it completely private. Time to step away from the notepad and file drawer (or pile of random paper on your desk, if that’s your system). Honestly, what is that about? You really can’t just send me an email? Anyway, all these meetings require note-taking, which means you need a good way to record, organize, access, and preserve your notes (and that’s just the kind of boring sentence a librarian would write). So most jobs involve, like, a million trillion meetings. I keep my meeting notes in an online blog.